"Give Thanks To Jehovah, For He is Good"
Psalm 106:1
2015 year text

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Greatest Man Who Ever Lived

Jesus Christ.

I always look forward to our Watchtower magazine, during the month of December, because it always has a beautiful article about Jesus to share with our friends, family and neighbors. This year I was not disappointed, and have had many opportunities to express my faith in Jesus to others. There were several outstanding thoughts I wanted to share with those I love.

Hebrews 12:2 urges us to "look intently" at Jesus.
1Peter 2:21 explains, "Christ suffered for you, leaving you a model for you to follow his steps closely."

How can we follow Jesus footsteps?
Let's examine his example:

Jesus was balanced. -Jesus had no where to lay his head. (Matt 8:20) Yet, he did not practice or advocate an austere lifestyle. He was not antisocial or an ascetic. He attended banquets. (Luke 5:29; John 2:1-11). At the same time, Jesus made clear what was most important to him. (John 4:34)
Have you analyzed your life to see how you can balance your material and spiritual pursuits?

Jesus was understanding and discerning. -Although Jesus never committed an error, he never expected perfection of others, or assumed an air of superiority; nor did he act with a lack of understanding. (Luke 7:37-50)
Are you known for being quick to commend and slow to condemn?

Jesus was impartial and respectful. -Though Jesus had a special affection for his cousin, the disciple John, Jesus never showed any partiality toward him, or favor him over the other disciples. (John13:32; Mark 10:35-40) Jesus was always respectful to others, and did not share in the common prejudices of his day. For example, women were commonly treated as inferior to men. Yet, Jesus accorded women due dignity. He first openly declared himself to be the Messiah to a woman, and women were the first to be witnesses of his resurrection. (John 4:7-26; Matt 28:9, 10)
Are you fair-minded in your dealings with people of a different race, gender, language, or nationality?

Jesus was a true freind. -He did not reject his friends just because they made mistakes, even the same mistakes repeatedly. he proved himself their friend by concentrating on their good qualities rather than imputing bad motives to them. Jesus loved his friends. (Mark 9:33-35; Luke 22:24-27; John 13:1; 15:13)
Do you remain a freind even when others irritate or offend you?

Jesus was more than just a model to follow. Notice his words at John 14:6 -"I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

Besides making known the truth about God, thus opening up the way to draw close to Him, Jesus provided the means for faithful ones to gain life. (John 3:16; Matt 20:28) What must each of us individually do to benefit from that provision? John 17:3 states, "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and the one whom you sent forth, Jesus Christ."

Never allow the preoccupations and anxieties of life to rob you of the opportunity to consider and follow closely the example of the greatest man of ever lived -Jesus Christ.


Dolce Vita said...

Very nice article

sandyseashells said...

I'll be back.

sandyseashells said...

My sweet sister, 2008 has not been great for me. I want you to know how much I appreciate your knowledge of the scriptures. You have given me hope, and strength, to carry on. Thank you for your encouraging words, phone calls, and even sharing your good friends, Robin & Sharon with me.
Thank you.

binsubimages said...

I dont know if you know this, but in the pictures of the WT publications hides subliminial images. I AM NOT dissfellowshipped or am i an apostate- i was a JW for 30yrs until I found out. Ask the elders the item between the koreon man and the lady from the west indies on the ccover of the "What Does God Require of Us" brochure and also have a look at the red crocadile on the koreons mans head on the right. Increasing the area on a computer will help to see the cartoon crocadile. HUNDREDS more subliminial images can be found on YouTube by typing in "Binsubimages" at the top of the ppage. This in NOT to destroy your life, but to make people relise that all is not what it seems in Satens world!