"Give Thanks To Jehovah, For He is Good"
Psalm 106:1
2015 year text

Friday, January 30, 2009

Things that BUG ...

Dirty, stinky, boy socks all over my house.*

Young women in big trucks or SUV's who fail to look for me in my little Honda.

Apathetic people

When people talk about TV shows, as if they are real people.

Screaming Chefs who think if they yell and act mean their food will taste better. ( I personally think food should be made with love.)

When young ones who do not see or recognise older ones.

When Older ones do not notice the needs of someone younger.

A waitress at a nice resturant that interrupts a conversation, constantly.

A waitress at a nice resturant that does not pay any attention to needs of customer.

Flakiness, (Especially if I am the Flake!)

Being teased when I am trying to be serious.

* The stinky socks are not such an issue now that the boys have grown up and moved. But when all 7 were home, it meant that 14 dirty socks were all over my house Every day! It was a real problem!!! To this day I still hate ALLL socks!!!! (Yes, even clean ones, espeically if I can't find their match.)


Jen said...

I don't like being teased when I am trying to be serious either. Although I am probably guilty of doing it more than once, not realizing the person is being serious.

Pedaling said...

who needs socks in California anyway!

Lulu said...

Getting even with you for hiding your shoes at Uncle David's.

sandyseashells said...

Yelling- ruins my appetite!
Yelling & eating don't mix with me,
whether I'm the yell'er or the yell'ee.
Flakie waitress= flakie tip.

Krista said...

uh oh i'm guilty of talking about t.v. people...and i take it you don't watch Hell's Kitchen?

sandyseashells said...

I didn't know the details of satan's angels. Something for me to think about.
I really like that "Sister's painting. It looks like their looking at old family pictures together. (like we've been doing on facebook)