Where we are in the stream of time.I have been very busy this past week working with my congregation in an inviting work.
We have been inviting our neighbors to attend our district convention with us in San Diego.
Please click on picture to see this invitation clearer. We look forward to our conventions, just as the Israelites of old looked forward to their festivals. It is a joyful, spiritually upbuilding time! May you too benefit from this wonderful provision.
While our Convention is next week-end, there will be other places that will have the same information throughout the summer months. These conventions are held in different parts of the earth. You may be receiving an invitation from the local congregation in your area! If you are interested in more information, for the closest convention held in your area please feel free to call the local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses in your area.
Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
1025 S. 24th Street
Mesa, Arizona
2240 S. 600 E
Salt Lake City, UT