"Give Thanks To Jehovah, For He is Good"
Psalm 106:1
2015 year text

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Yikes! Ouch! Fleas!!!!

Fleas are not Fun!!! We have been busy getting rid of fleas in our house.

I have learned that fleas can multiply fast! That commercial on TV is not exaggerating! These buggers lay eggs that become adults in 3 weeks!
We have a mama cat, whom I love. However, we did not pay close attention to her as flea season approached. Yes, there is a flea season. They like dry, hot weather. They will die in cold freezing weather.

Now, how to get rid of fleas without killing us too? I have learned about Diatomaceous Earth. NOT the kind for swimming pool filters!!! That kind will Kill you and your pets!!!

I am talking about FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth. It is the remains of microscopic one-celled plants (phytoplankton) diatoms that once lived in oceans and lakes. They are actually mined. These little tiny fossils are very sharp, they will cut the fleas bodies and then because they are absorbent they suck all the moisture out of the flea, which dehydrates them.

You may get the FOOD GRADE Diatomaceous Earth at the pet store. Dust your cats, kittens, dogs, cows, anything with fur! It will get rid of the fleas and the best thing is if your pet cleans himself it will not only, not hurt him it will actually get rid of the parasites he may have on the inside. The only caution is Do not Breath the dust in, a large amount can hurt your lungs. And be very careful not to get it in your eyes, because of it's drying effect.
I used a mask and gloves (it has a drying effect on skin) when I applied it to my cats.

After the carpets were steam cleaned and dried completely, I sprinkled it around the corners of the rooms and even on my mattresses. I have not seen any fleas since then, we will keep our eyes open in case any larve were missed.
We sprinkled it outside, around the house and in the bedding of our pets. So, that is what I have been up to lately. It feels so good to Have a Clean Flealess House!

For those of you who want to know more about this stuff here is a website for you:


1 comment:

sandyseashells said...

That is really wild! Thanks for the info. I couldn't find your web site for awhile. I usually go to Sheila's & then yours, but it kept going to D'annore. ??