In Abraham's day it was customary for the parents to select a mate for their children. This was an important selection as a marriage affected not only the family but also the entire tribe. And in Isaac's case the promised seed would come through him. Yes, Abraham would need to make a good choice in a wife for Isaac. This would be challenging. Why? The local Canaanite women did not worship Abraham's God, Jehovah therefore, they would not make a suitable wife. Abraham's relatives lived hundreds of miles away in northern Mesopotamia. In the first four verses of Genesis chapter 24, we read about Abraham asking his faithful servant to make the long trip to Abraham's relatives in search of a wife for Isaac. Abraham made this servant, "the oldest one of his household" promise that he would find a suitable mate, from among Abraham's relatives.
After recieving detailed instructions, this faithful servant makes the long trip, when he finally arrives, he rests by the well. In order to accomplish his assignment, it is noteworthy to see he does not lean on his own choice, but immediately prays to God for direction saying in prayer, "The young woman to whom I shall say, 'Let your water jar down, please, that I may take a drink," and who will indeed say, 'Take a drink, and I shall also water your camels,' this is the one you must assign to your servant, to Isaac; and by this let me know that you have performed loyal love with my master." -Genesis 24:14. (verses 10-14)

What will be the answer? Laban and Bethuel recognise Jehovah's hand in this matter and agree to this marriage arrangement. (verses 49-51) Again the faithful servant thanks Jehovah and brings out gifts of precious gold and silver and beautiful fine garments for Rebekah and her family. Then, they all eat together. This transaction, constituted an honorable marriage contract between the parents, according to custom. After, spending a restful night, the servant now awakens in the morning eager to take his leave. (verses 52-54)
And so, Rebekah, her nurse, and her lady attendants left their home. They must have wondered what would be in store for them, traveling so far away. In those days traveling on a camel's back such a long distance was not easy, in fact it was difficult. These women left willingly, with faith in their God, knowing they would probably never see their family again. (verses 59-61)

As they finally arrived in Negeb, they saw Isaac in the field walking, no doubt he was meditating on his future, including his new wife. Rebekah swings down from her camel, when discovering that the man she sees is her betrothed, she modestly covers herself with a veil, signifying her modesty and subjection to her husbandly head. The faithful servant related his experiences on this trip in detail to Isaac. Then Isaac, took Rebekah as his wife. While this was an arranged marriage it was not a loveless one. As both Rebekah and Isaac, loved Jehovah and trusted their Heavenly Father, they naturally came to love and respect one another.

As they finally arrived in Negeb, they saw Isaac in the field walking, no doubt he was meditating on his future, including his new wife. Rebekah swings down from her camel, when discovering that the man she sees is her betrothed, she modestly covers herself with a veil, signifying her modesty and subjection to her husbandly head. The faithful servant related his experiences on this trip in detail to Isaac. Then Isaac, took Rebekah as his wife. While this was an arranged marriage it was not a loveless one. As both Rebekah and Isaac, loved Jehovah and trusted their Heavenly Father, they naturally came to love and respect one another.
Also, the servant put out much effort to do things God's way. He although being old, did not take short-cuts but traveled all the way to Mesopotamia, then back down to Negeb, probably near Kadesh, just as he was instructed. Today, we may find that conforming to God's standards is not always easy. Some examples, may have to do with finding a suitable job that while providing for our family does not interfere with theocratic activity, such as, time for Bible study, prayer, regular meeting attendance, teaching our children, and our ministry. Also, finding a mate that is God-fearing, or associates that are upbuilding and finding entertainment that is not debasing. (Regarding entertainment compare: Philippians 4:8) Yes, just as our Heavenly Father sustained the faithful servant and blessed Rebekah for her efforts, He can sustain those who refuse to compromise Bible principles. The Bible promises: "Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean upon your own understanding. In all your ways take notice of him, and he himself will make your paths straight." -Proverbs 3:5, 6.
1 comment:
I think arranged marriages might be a good idea.
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