"Give Thanks To Jehovah, For He is Good"
Psalm 106:1
2015 year text

Friday, October 17, 2008

I Should Have Been An Architect-

So You Want to Live In A Treehouse!

Very Interesting!

This one is in Germany.

This treehouse is in Japan, both winter and summer pictures.
I guess people around the world are not that much different.

Many people around the earth have fanciful, artistic romantic thoughts of treehouses.
Won't it be nice when God's Kingdom destroys all political and national boundaries?
All the meek ones will be able to enjoy one another and all of God's creation!
-Isaiah 11:9


Here's a treehouse we can visit and stay the night! I hear you may even see an elephant.

Do you think there might be any monkeys around?

These treehouses are in North Kerala, which is in the southern part of India.

What an adventure! Who wants to go????

The rooms look pretty inviting.

Did I mention the bath rooms have flush toilets?



Gram said...

These tree houses are amazing. I would like to sleep in a tree house for a night. When I was a young girl I was impressed by the tree house that TARZAN a movie character in my era had. I loved those movies. He and his woman and boy lived in the Jungle with all the animals. Tarzan was a friend to most of the animals. After seeing the movie my girls friends and I would play "Tarzan".
I would always be Tarzan. I don't know why. The youngest friend (someone's little sister) got to be
Cheetah, Tarzan's pet chimp. His tree house in the movie was so neat. But you had to swing on vines to get up into it. I sure had fun when I was a kid. I would like to go inside your featured tree houses.

Gram said...

I forgot to tell you that I really like your side bar pictures of some of Doreen's family. Those are good pictures. It sure was fun to be with our Indiana family last summer.
Since the family reunion--Karen and Steve are now married and Bonnie & Rick have two brand new grandchildren.

sandyseashells said...

Those are very cool. I wouldn't mind at all staying in a tree house.