"Give Thanks To Jehovah, For He is Good"
Psalm 106:1
2015 year text

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Children's artist -Walter Crane

Little Red Riding Hood.

Sing a Song of six pence!

The Frog Prince

Princess Belle-Etoile

I had never heard of this fairy-tale so I looked it up.
If you want, you may find this story at the link below.


I enjoy the detail in these illustrations and I appreciate that it was for children to enjoy. To me, it is important that we recognize that even children can appreciate fine art. As adults we should not dumb down education to children, but rather expose them to all things good even if it appears to be over their heads. All people learn at their own rate.


Pedaling said...

i agree,
no dumbing down.
their minds are like little sponges.
isn't it great?!

sandyseashells said...

those are interesting drawings. I guess they're drawings right? Sometimes we kinda take the illustations in a childs book for granted. I like those.

Jen said...

I'm with you and Sheila. Kids are born brilliant. We can either support that or get in the way.